Tag Archives: game making

Construct 2 : Simple Space Shooter template.


Hi there. As part of the Construct 2 community you have access to create your own assets and sell them in their store. This is my simple space shooter template. Which is one of my first template-type games which you can play right away, use and modify to make your own using Construct 2. I put it up fairly cheap because I want people to be able to make their own games as easily as possible. I will be making other templates soon based on my learning experiences placing the crucial elements at the hands of the developer so they don’t have to dance around to make their game and they can concentrate on the design, graphics and polishing their actual gameplay.

Get it here simple space ship template.

The idea behind the template is to provide you with a simple working game with the simplest of controls and give you room to design and expand.

This template includes the following:

  • Generic assets.
  • Working ship with thrusters and shooting
  • Working hitpoint behaviour.(damage tracking)
  • Ship wraps around screen.
  • Enemy ship spawner with script.
  • Enemy ship with separate trusters.
  • Background generated elements.
  • Wrapping background.
  • Commented scripts.

I hope you all enjoy this template and create awesome space shooters(or whatever creative ideas occur to you) with it.

Note: the default controls is arrows and spacebar but you can create other control schemes.

Spriter animation software

Spriter icon

Spriter Is a very affordable, utility that can help many users of Construct 2 or any other game making, animation making, fun loving, person, create the animation sprites they need. The program Itself is fairly strightforward to use, its well documented and has several trainings available for people to dig into.

Be sure to give it a try. One of the features I personally like is the ability to set up bone structures which you can then animate and swap elements as needed which is great when making “skins” for your characters or pre-fab animations for your production process.

GoatSukah Game update

Screenshot of the progress of the GoatSukah Game.

Screenshot of the progress of the GoatSukah Game.

I’ve managed to put a few more minutes into it and now the game has actual graphics.

You can check the progress at the “Playground and Samples” area of this blog here and then.

Today’s update is located here.

What’s new since last version.

  • Decided to scrap the HUGE single map for smaller more manageable map. This lets me add a bit more quality per stage and makes it easier on portable devices.
  • Did a full overhaul of the stage graphics.
  • I’m integrating parallax into the background. I’ll be fine tuning that soon.
  • Still undecided if the hero should be that small or make it a bit bigger.
  • Finally added the ship to the background with some cool lighting effect.
  • Decided to make use of the actual stage look/feel so I hid most of the floor and wall tiles.
  • Added a “Castlevania like” camera. Still needs a little fine tuning.
  • Now the screen zooms to the size needed for the device.

There’s a ton of work to be done and I’m doing it just for fun.
The game is being made using Construct 2 
I hope you all like it. Soon I’ll get down and start doing the “scene” animations in-between parts of the stages but I’d like to get at least a few stages actually finished before that.

Construct your world.

If you’re a designer, a game enthusiast or even just someone looking for something to do you should really try out using Construct 2 from scirra.

Construct 2 to me is basically a far cousin of a program I used to have called Klick & Play from Maxis. I call it a far cousin because the idea behind it is to make games without needing much code experience (or none in some cases). The end result is a published html 5 game or application depending on what you made with it. Being as it may it also allows you to publish to certain wrappers or formats that will allow you to make your apps work on mobiles and tablets.

The community behind this product is strong and friendly. There is tons of tutorials, forums and documentation that will aid you in your quest to boldly go wherever you want to go with your game.

The best thing, in my honest opinion, is that you can start making stuff for free. When you are ready to take the plunge there are other two license options to choose from, not to mention they make special offers here and then.

Go and construct something today! … wow it almost sounds as an advertisement  he he.